Donated Leave Policy

Employees have the opportunity to assist another employee who is facing a personal serious illness or injury, or caring for an immediate family member who has a serious illness or injury.  This policy allows multiple employees to donate a combined maximum of 26 weeks of accrued vacation and personal leave to an employee when the receiving employee needs time off that is not otherwise covered by any existing time off benefits.  Persons wishing to donate time to another employee should contact the Library Director for guidelines and forms.

Examples of other types of leave policies:

From:  City of Denham Springs, LA
Civil leave.

 (a) An employee shall be given time off without loss of pay, annual leave, or sick leave when:

(1) Performing jury duty.

(2) Summoned to appear as a witness before a court, grand jury, or other public body or commission, provided that for purposes of this provision a plaintiff or defendant shall not be considered a witness. Nor does this provision apply to an employee summoned as a witness as a result of employment other than municipal employment.

(3) Performing emergency civilian duty in relation to national defense.

(4)The mayor determines that he/she is prevented by an act of God from performing duty.

(5) The mayor determines that because of local conditions or celebrations it is impracticable for employees to work.

(6)The employee is ordered to report for pre-induction physical examination incident to possible entry into the military forces of the United States.

(7)The employee is a member of the National Guard and is ordered to active duty incident to local emergency, act of God, civil or criminal insurrection, civil or criminal disobedience, or similar occurrences of an extraordinary and emergency nature which threatens or affects the peace or property of the people. (b)Employees may keep all fees received from jury duty in addition to regular compensation.

From: National Association of Letter Carriers

519.215 Employees Prevented From Reporting Employees scheduled to report who are prevented from reporting or, who after reporting, are prevented from working by an act of God may be excused as follows: a. Full-time and part-time regular employees receive administrative leave to cover their scheduled tour of duty not to exceed 8 hours. b. Part-time flexible employees receive administrative leave, subject to the 8-hour limitation, for their scheduled workhours, as provided in 519.214c.

From:   City of Pleasanton,Texas

  1. Donated Leave:   Full time City employees with a minimum of (80) eighty hours of accrued leave and have been employed for at least one (1) year may donate sick or vacation leave to a pool to be held by Human Resources. The hours donated are by a straight hour-for- hour. Before the leave bank may be utilized, the employee must use all accrued sick and vacation leave first.

From: City of Thibodaux, Iowa

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