Computer Use Policy

Last Updated Date

Otsego County Library Computer Use Policy

To maximize computer availability, and to insure fair accessibility for all, please follow these rules and procedures when using public access computers at the Otsego County Library.


  1. The Library uses PC Management software.  Any person with an Otsego County Library card may use any available public access computer by logging in with their barcode and PIN.  The default PIN is the last four digits of the phone number on the registration; a PIN may be changed by staff upon proof of identity.  Residents and nonresidents without a library card will need to present a picture ID to secure a guest barcode which will be good for a one time login on any available computer.  If you have difficulties logging on, please ask for help at the desk.  Do not move to another computer as your barcode may become blocked.
  2. If all computers are in use, you may reserve the next available computer by entering your name and barcode at the reservation station.
  3. There is a 1 hour limit on the workstations when others are waiting; a four hour limit per person per day.  The PC Management software will keep track of your time, provide a warning when time is almost up, add bonus time in 30 minute increments IF there is no waiting list, and log you off when time has expired.  Under limited circumstances the staff may allow additional time; you must request an extension BEFORE your time has expired.  If the computer logs you off, all programs will be closed and you will lose any work in progress.
  4. The Teen Room is sometimes used for instruction or otherwise unavailable.   When closed,   teens will be directed to use the public workstations in the main area of the library.
  5. The library adheres to federal law by filtering all Internet content.  Patrons 18 or over can request that the filter be disabled on their workstation.  Patrons under 18 may request reevaluation of a web site that has been blocked so that it may be removed from the blocked list.  The process of evaluating a blocked site may not take place immediately.
  6. The Otsego County Library provides public access computers for the purpose of doing research, seeking employment or improving job skills, facilitating communication, and access to office applications.  They may be used for other purposes ( i.e., social networking, games, video and other entertainment).  However, priority will be given to patrons with education-, information-, or employment-related needs and persons using a computer for other purposes may be bumped during busy times.
  7. Please, no more than two people at the computer at one time.  Our space is limited.
  8. You may not use your own software programs on the computer.  This will help prevent computer viruses, worms, and other issues that are common on public computers.
  9. You may bring your own 3 ½ floppy disk, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or flash (USB) drive if you wish to open, save, or download files.  These items are also available for sale at the front desk.  Files can be temporarily saved on the computer, but will be automatically deleted upon logging out or shutting down the computer.  Files can also be saved to a “Temporary Network Storage” area; this location is public in nature and it is recommended that personal information not be saved to this area.  These files are regularly deleted and may not be available at your next login.  The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal disks or flash (USB) drives when downloading.
  10. The Library is not responsible for data loss due to corruption, equipment or software failure, power outages, acts of God, etc.  The Library will also not be responsible for theft of data caused by hackers, packet sniffing software, the use of non-encrypted sites when transferring sensitive data, personal viewing of account numbers or personal information by others or any other breach of security.  Please use common sense when viewing or transmitting sensitive data.
  11. Headphones must be used when playing audio.  Audio is muted by default.  In order to hear audio you must connect headphones to the headphone jack in the front of the computer and unmute the audio by clicking on the speaker icon in the system tray in the lower right of the screen.  You may use your own headphones or those available at the workstations.
  12. Bandwidth intensive operations including streaming audio or video, large downloads or other data intensive operations may be limited, denied or throttled to a lower speed to ensure fair access to the Internet and the overall integrity of the Library’s network.
  13. Printing is available in black and white or color.  B&W prints are $.10 per page; color prints are $.25 per page.  Print jobs must be released at the front desk or the print release station if available.  You are required to pay for everything that you print.  If you are in doubt as to how your pages will look when printed, please choose “print preview” under the file menu before clicking on “print.” 
  14. To use a computer, you must have a general understanding of computers and Windows applications.  The library staff does not have time to train you individually in using these programs.  Free classes are provided periodically by the library.  Every staff member will assist to the best of his/her ability, but technical staff may not be available during all open hours. 
  15. Computer resources may only be used for legal purposes.  Examples of unacceptable purposes include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1. Harassment of other users or library staff;
      2. Libeling or slandering other users;
      3. Destruction of or damage to equipment, software or data belonging to the Library or other users;
      4. Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications;
      5. Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material.
  16. The Otsego County Library uses Merit as its Internet provider.  Therefore, patrons using the computers must follow the Merit Acceptable Use Policies (, the Otsego County Library Internet Use Policy, and the Computer Use Policy all posted in the library or available at the circulation desk.  By registering to use a computer, you are agreeing to read and abide by these policies and rules.  Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the loss of your computer privileges.


Revised and adopted  June 18, 2013.